Biomarker refers to the biochemical indicators that marking the changes of structure or function in systems, organs, tissues, cells and subcellular. It can be used for disease diagnosis, determining the stage of disease or to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new drugs or new therapies in the target population.
For disease research, biomarker generally refers to a biochemical indicator for objective measurement and evaluation of certain characteristics of general physiological or pathological or therapeutic procedure. The biological process of the body can be measured through biomarker testing. Checking of a disease-specific biomarkers may be helpful for the identification of disease, early diagnosis, prevention and treatment, and monitoring in the process of treatment. The search of valuable biomarkers has become an important focus of current research.
Biomarker of exposure
Biomarker of effect
Biomarker of susceptibility
Select principle
1. The selected biomarkers must have a certain specificity;
2. The selected biomarkers must have sufficient sensitivity;
3. Repeatability and individual differences analyzed by the selected biomarkers must within the acceptable range;
4. The selected biomarker must have sufficient stability for the transport, save and analysis of the sample;
1. Have certain sensitivity; higher than the general biological detection index;
2. Reactions have time effects; Reaction must have a certain setting time but fast;
3. The effect of the biomarker in the molecular and biochemical level must be closely related to the effect on the senior biology level (such as growth, reproduction); effect on all levels must have a causal relationship;
4. Have certain field value;
5. Specificity and early warning (eg. AchE)
Applications significance
Clarify the mechanism of various pollutants, determining the interaction between various pollutants and organisms; Combine with ecological effects to develop research programs to address environmental issues (such as population level drop, etc.).
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